About Us

Updated: June 29th, 2022

The aim of www.TotallyGoldens.com is to provide instruction, insights and tips on keeping Golden Retrievers as pets. We will provide information on the breed as a whole, training processes, health issues, general care, product recommendations and everything you need for a fulfilling life and relationship with your pet Golden Retriever.

And above all, the advice given will have an emphasis on gentle and positive techniques so the relationship between you and your Golden can be as stress-free and fun as possible.

There will be no domination or harsh physical treatment techniques advised here.

With today’s modern training techniques it’s totally unnecessary and it’s far from ideal for creating the best relationship between you and your dog.

You can have the perfect pet with using only positive, reward based techniques and this is what we’ll concentrate on and advise throughout the site.

Please take a look around, I’m sure you’ll find the site useful and if you have any feedback or questions, please contact us at info@totallygoldens.com and we’ll happily get back to you.